a. 不能征服的, 无敌的
s. incapable of being overcome or subdued
1. And that is what makes them invincible.
正因如此 他们才如此战无不胜
2. He checked himself out because he's invincible.
他自己出院了 因为他觉得自己是无敌的
3. But in that moment, he felt invincible.
但在那一刻 他觉得所向无敌
4. I always believed him to be invincible.
5. Other people they think they're invincible.
6. This feeling, to be invincible like you.
这种感觉 成为无敌的存在 就跟你一样
7. By the time I was out of here, I felt invincible.
等我出关的时候 我觉得自己所向无敌
8. That suit may have made you invincible.
9. And when s act invincible, it's because they think they are.
而一个混混之所以表现出一副无敌的样子 是因为他们认为自己确实无敌
10. I mean, you make him sound invincible.