n. 离奇有趣, 古怪的事物
n. the quality of being quaint and old-fashioned; its quaintness was appealing"
n. strangeness as a consequence of being old fashioned
1. It puts the quaint in quaint It's just gorgeous.
十分古雅 真的非常华丽夺目
2. How quaint that you thought it should be the human.
奇怪的是 你竟然以为人类能活下来
3. Your cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly, aggressive.
你们的懦弱并不高雅 它狡猾又侵蚀人心
4. I think it's a little quaint... for a film.
我觉得这对于一部 来说有点古怪了
5. And gunslinging revolutionaries who have a weakness for quaint cottages.
还有喜欢古色古香别墅的 背着枪的革命者
6. You might think that newspapers are oldfashioned and quaint.
7. Quaint, though, if you like that sort of thing.
如果你喜欢这种风格的话 倒也满别致的
8. Don't let all this quaint, neighborly bullshit fool you.
别被这古朴 睦邻的假象蒙蔽了
9. And, yes, no doubt to others, our ways seem quaint.
10. And,yes,no doubt to others,our ways seem quaint.
别人一定会觉得 我们的日子过得太悠闲