n. 助手, 副官
[计] 数据输入的可说明性
n. someone who acts as assistant
1. But aid leads to corruption. It leads to aid dependency.
然而援助会导致 会产生依赖
2. And if I did, I would do first aid on them because I have that patch.
即使我有 我也会做急救处理 因为我有创可贴
3. It's been melted down into the aid drums.
4. He says that's why he let our aid in.
5. Do you have a first aid kit here? I don't.
你这儿有急救箱吗 没有
6. But in that world, I was an aid worker.
但在那个世界里 我是救援人员
7. And a student who's on financial aid.
8. I'm sure I've aided and abetted a few of them.
9. Should we call it in? I'll administer aid.
我们要去叫人吗 我去帮忙
10. His aides say he's out of the country.