n. 水位降低, 减少, 消耗
[经] 提款
1. You're aware of how low on assets we are with the drawdown.
2. But I can't shift priorities away from this drawdown just based on a hunch.
但是我不能仅凭你的直觉 就取消这次撤军计划
3. We wouldn't be striking out if we didn't have this premature drawdown making us release new terrorists back into the wild.
如果不是这次提前撤军 我们也不会失败 导致我们让新的恐怖分子逍遥法外
4. You know, with everybody so focused on the drawdown, somebody's got to keep their eyes open to the bigger picture.
但是当大家都非常关注撤军的时候 必须得有人时刻关注大局的变动
5. You know, coming here for the ninth time, witnessing a drawdown and watching us making peace with the enemy.
我第九次来这里 目睹了撤军 看着我们与敌人讲和