adv. 无所不在地
1. What I'm saying is that palm oil is ubiquitous.
2. Listeria grows in the ubiquitous rat urine.
到处都是蝙蝠尿 会滋长李斯特菌
3. And there were many colours, not just the ubiquitous red ochre, but violets and blacks.
画中的色彩也更为丰富 不仅有随处可见的红褐色 还有紫罗兰和黑色
4. During the 1980s and early '90s, the microchip became aller, cheaper, and ubiquitous.
二十世纪八十年代和九十年代初期 微型芯片变得更小 更便宜 且无处不在
5. And with each of their companies becoming exclusive to our platform, we will be the ubiquitous dark web access point for generations to come.
有了这些公司加入我们的平台 我们将成为未来几代人都会使用的 暗网访问入口
6. In just three months, you've taken a simple peer to peer network and built it into a ubiquitous digital currency.
仅仅三个月 你将简单的对等系统做成对等网络 并将此打造成一种随处可见的电子货币
7. Moving from the age of work that we're in now into the abundant, ubiquitous automation age, that bridge that we have to cross is gonna be a very interesting time period.
从我们目前的工作时代 进入大规模无所不在的自动化时代 我们要渡过的 是一段非常有趣的时光
8. The number 7 is widely regarded as being lucky, and it plays a ubiquitous role in most of the world's major religions, not to mention astrology, astronomy, literature, music.
七这个数字普遍被认为是代表幸运的 它不仅在世界上大多数宗教信仰中 发挥着无处不在的作用 更别提在占星学 天文学 文学和音乐中的体现