a. 催眠的, 想睡的, 令人麻木不仁的
n. 催眠剂, 安眠药
n. a drug that induces sleep
s. sleep inducing
1. I have taken the liberty of embedding the same soporific into the fabric of the paper you are now holding.
所以我冒昧地将这种催眠物质 附着在了你正手持着的信纸上
2. So my terrible presentation is designed to lull subjects into a sense of slightly soporific superiority.
我故意將展示做得糟糕透頂 是為了讓聽眾放松警惕 讓他們產生些許優越感
3. It will release a soporific which will induce a trance state, enabling direct communication across the years.
蜡烛会释放出催眠物质 这会让你陷入昏睡状态 赋予你穿越时空直接与我们沟通的能力