[电] 十万万瓦
1. That girl walked through 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.
2. They also found a potential 27 gigawatts from wave energy.
3. Then drive 88 miles an hour, while harnessing 1.21 gigawatts of power from a plutoniumpowered nuclear reactor.
然后以142公里的时速前进 借用钚动力核反应器产生的 1.21千兆瓦的功率助推
4. ...you would know that I just cosponsored a bill that passed into law, mandating 2.4 gigawatts of offshore wind power and nocost solar energy for 10,000 lowincome residents without raising taxes on a single resident in this state.
你就会知道 我共同发起的一项提案刚成为了法律 为一万户低收入居民 保证了二点四兆瓦的离岸式风电 和无成本太阳能电力 而且不用向这个州内的居民多收一分税