a. 人口过多的
v cause to have too great a population
1. Especially because of the government conspiracy to overpopulate the planet.
尤其是因为政府阴谋 使地球人口过剩的父母
2. While we overpopulate the world and create new technologies to kill each other with.
当我们一边人口暴增 一边创造新科技来残杀彼此
3. All these problems can be boiled down to one thing: overpopulation.
所有这些问题都可以归结到一个原因上 人口过剩
4. Yeah, with overpopulation, it just felt like the responsible choice.
是啊 世界人口过多 我觉得自己有义务做点什么
5. Like killing 6.5 billion people to solve overpopulation.
比如杀死65亿人 来解决人口过剩
6. The money raised from selling those plates goes to reducing animal overpopulation.
卖那些车牌筹集的钱 用于减少动物数量过剩
7. overpopulated, undersupplied, and very little in the way of medicine, hygiene, or skilled professionals.
人口过多 物资匮乏 缺医少药 卫生捉急 技能人才空缺
8. Things kind of fall through the cracks now, you know, now that the school's so overpopulated.
现在很多事都疏于管理 因为学校人太多了
9. So one of the areas that we're gonna have to think about in the near future if we do achieve extreme longevity physically is the idea of overpopulation.
在不久的将来 我们将不得不思考的 领域之一是 假如我们真的实现了 生理上的极度长寿 所带来的人口过剩的观念