vt. 憎恶, 痛恨, 回避, 拒绝
v. find repugnant
1. You look at me, and you see everything you abhor in yourself.
你看着我 你看到的是 在你身上你所憎恶的一切
2. I abhor the dull routine of existence.
3. I abhor censorship and I dislike being threatened.
我不喜欢审查制度 也不喜欢被威胁
4. No, man. I don't kill you. I abhor violence.
不 我不会杀了你 我憎恨暴力
5. I thought you abhorred the halls of power.
6. A life is a life. I abhor all war.
人命是平等的 我厌恶一切战争
7. God is gone, and nature abhors a vacuum.
上帝不见了 大自然中不容真空
8. ...whom she hath in all outward behaviors seemed ever to abhor.
9. I can't decide whether they abhor our shape or crave another.
我都不知道他们是讨厌我们的身体 还是渴望我们的身体
10. I abhor the whole chicks dig jerks thing.
我痛恨"姑娘喜欢 "的故事