vt. 使疏远, 离间, 转让
[法] 转让, 让与, 疏远
v. make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated
1. If it's an alien... It is an alien.
如果它是外星人 它是外星人
2. There's aliens out there and fake aliens.
外面有外星人 还有假外星人
3. Well, because of the alien's code which states that aliens cannot steal girlfriends from other aliens.
因为外星人准则 规定了外星人 不能夺走其他外星人的女友
4. Alien technology being used against us, not by aliens, not with aliens, but by a venal conspiracy of men against humanity.
外星科技正被用来攻击人类 幕后黑手不是外星人 也无关外星人 而是一个贪赃枉法 违背人道的人类阴谋
5. We're dealing with alien tech, alien biology.
这可是外星科技 外星生物学
6. Fine, but sometimes an alien is just an alien.
没关系 有时外星人指的单纯是外星人
7. Sort of. It is an alien construct, but it's not an alien colony.
算是吧 是外星人建造的 但不是外星殖民地
8. You're stagemanaging an alien attack when the aliens have already landed.
你们精心策划了一次外星袭击 尽管外星人已经登上了地球
9. 亚历克斯母亲 and alienate him, and, it would've alienated him because that's his, whole life.
狄德莉·沃罗尼克 然后疏远他 但疏远就疏远了 因为攀岩才是他的一切
10. I mean, alien or no alien, man's legs look like that.
就算是外星男人 他腿不可能那么光滑