n. 铅块, 监狱, 四方院子, 四胞胎, 四胞胎中的一个孩子, 成套的四件东西
[计] 四芯导线
n. (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences
n. a rectangular area surrounded on all sides by buildings
1. ...and your quads and your hams and your shins.
四头肌 大腿肌 小腿肌
2. A professor found you passed out on the quad.
3. I saw her and some girl across the quad.
4. And there was, like, tractors and quads and motorbikes.
然后他们家农场上有拖拉机 四轮越野车 摩托车什么的
5. I'm talking about that little redheaded girl in the quad.
6. quads are already paralyzed, so it's a special term.
双腿都瘫痪了 这是专业用语
7. Close the helium to the affected quad and secure it.
8. I need a quad iced double chocolate mocha.
9. Grande quad halfcaf nonfat no whip mocha.
10. I can lie, say I found it somewhere in the quad.
我可以说谎 说我是在校园里捡到的