a. 爬行的, 令人毛骨悚然的
s. annoying and unpleasant
s. causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin
1. wearing this creepy mask? It's not creepy.
在我家衣橱里干什么 这个不怪异
2. And yes he's very creepy, but creepy's how we get things done.
没错 他是很猥琐 猥琐才把事情做成了
3. As far as anyone else is concerned, he's just another creepy guy with a creepy motive.
就其他人所知 他不过是又一个有 动机的坏人
4. Not only is it not creepy, it was meant to be.
这事儿非但不诡异 而且是本该如此的正确行为
5. And that's not me being creepy, that's for either of you.
这不是我在耍 你们俩谁用都行
6. It's crazy and it's creepy, and I'm out of here.
这又疯狂又吓人 我要走了
7. Why you hiding in here? It's creepy.
你怎么躲在这里 怪吓人的
8. That isn't being nice. It's being creepy.
这不是在示好 这让我觉得毛骨悚然
9. That and the creepy removal of the tattoos.
还有他移除死者纹身的 行径
10. The creepy place with all the crows.
满是乌鸦 那个阴森的地方