n. 英勇, 勇敢事迹, 豪侠行为
n. the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle)
1. Their heroi is an inspiration to the entire world.
2. And you deserve a proper reward for your heroi .
鉴于你的英勇表现 你应得到合适的奖赏
3. First step in heroi , don't be a prick.
当英雄第一步 别这么
4. He earned it during the war, a reward for his heroi .
他在打战的时候赢来的 嘉许他的英勇行为
5. And where there is heroi there will always be hope.
而有英勇事迹的地方 总会有希望
6. We owe him a lot, but there's no heroi in being a martyr.
我们欠他很多 但成为殉道者并不能算什么英雄
7. But you of all people should know heroi comes first.
你最该清楚 得先去当英雄
8. American heroi has a new face today.
9. That's what audiences want action, heroi , bravery.
这正是观众想看的 集动作 英雄主义 勇敢无畏于一身的影片
10. I mean, this report's an endorsement of his bravery and heroi .