a. 成直角的
[化] 矩形的
s. having four right angles
1. It's the black rectangular thing that they confiscated from me.
2. There's some kind of rectangular shadow below his tattoo.
3. Jamie's aiming for a rectangular spread onto the wall.
4. I mean inside your mouth, those white rectangular things.
我是说你嘴里 那些白色的长方形
5. into one tiny, perfect rectangular sequence of numbers.
6. These, uh, rectangular wounds exhibit a serration of a steak knife.
这些长方形的伤口显示出 牛排刀的锯齿痕
7. In that it's rectangular, you know, and maybe one of you will swim by, bloop bloop.
这个窗口是长方形的 也许你们会有人游过来 还吐着泡泡
8. A rectangular pan, used for cooking japanese omelets, in good to eggcelent condition.
一种用来做日式煎蛋的长方形平底锅 能做出很好吃的多层玉子烧哦
9. Behold, the cd a disc surrounded by a case within another, larger rectangular case.
请看 CD 唱片被盒子包围 被装在一个更大的矩形盒子里
10. 507 of them exactly, they're spaced by about 1.2km, and it's a rectangular array which covers this whole basin.
准确地说是五百零七个 它们间隔大约一千两百米 是一个覆盖整个盆地的长方形矩阵