a. 飘浮着的, 在海上的, 浸满水的, 在进行中的
adv. 飘浮着, 在海上, 浸满水, 在进行中
a. borne on the water; floating
s. covered with water
1. Addiction is what keeps this place afloat.
多亏了毒瘾 这个酒吧才能继续开下去
2. Now it's the only thing keeping them afloat.
3. That's how we keep things afloat around here.
4. I've been keeping this company afloat with my own money.
5. Her social contacts keep my business afloat.
6. I needed cash to keep my restaurants afloat.
7. I kept everything afloat. I didn't say anything.
保持一切正常運轉 我什么也沒說
8. She's been through quite a few battles, but we've managed to keep her afloat.
虽然经过了无数手术的洗礼 我们仍然将她保持得很好
9. You're barely staying afloat as it is. I'm doing just fine.
你不也就勉强混日子嘛 混得还行
10. And you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat.
你得十分努力 才能不被打沉