a. 充满精神的, 感情上的, 高尚的
s. full of or expressing deep emotion
1. You don't have a soul without the soul.
没有灵魂 你就是行尸走肉
2. My soul is in your hands, soul mate.
我的灵魂掌握在你手里了 灵魂伴侣
3. The soul liberated, the soul sent on its way.
灵魂被解放 前往另一个世界
4. No, no, it's not that you don't have a soul mate, it's that you have multiple soul mates.
不不 不是说你没有伴侣 而是你有多个伴侣
5. Well, if he wasn't your soul mate, he wasn't your soul mate.
如果他不是你的灵魂伴侣 那他就不是对的人
6. Behind these are millions of souls, souls which have been cast aside.
这后面有数百万的灵魂 那些被唾弃的灵魂
7. Body and soul, body and soul, like water.
身体和灵魂 身体和灵魂 像水一样
8. My magic draws power from the soul, the human soul.
我的魔法是汲取灵魂的力量 人的灵魂
9. Of course, not in my soul. In my soul, I felt great shame.
但这当然只是表面 在内心深处 我深感愧疚
10. Our father's soul, all sinners' souls, face mortal danger.
我们父亲的灵魂 所有罪人的灵魂 终将消逝