adv. 秘密地;作为心腹话地
r. in a confidential manner
1. If the computer says "confidential" then it's confidential.
如果电脑上说机密 那就是机密咯
2. Plus, I know you're used to keeping things confidential, so I would appreciate it if you could keep our conversation confidential.
而且 我知道你习惯保守秘密 所以我希望今天的谈话 你也能保密
3. But you just met me and apparently felt it appropriate to casually share confidential information about your boyfriend's career and then fail to tell me it was confidential, so I just used it to make all talk.
但是你才刚认识我 就觉得可以跟我 随意分享你男友的事业发展 还没告诉我这是保密的 所以我用保密话题去跟他聊天
4. That would be confidential if the answer wasn't no.
就算答案是肯定的 那也是保密信息
5. What I'm about to tell you has to remain confidential.
6. I said this was confidential, not that I wouldn't judge you.
我只说帮你保密 但没说不能批评你啊
7. Not to the confidential session, but outside.
不是监听机密会议 是会议室外面的情况
8. confidentially, he doesn't love being told no.
私底下告诉您 他不喜欢被拒绝
9. I can't. I resigned, but it's still confidential.
真不能 我辞职了 但还有保密义务
10. Everything we do in this unit is confidential.