n. 特大之物, 弥天大谎
n. a gross untruth; a blatant lie
1. Well, where I come from, that's what we call a whopper.
呃 我的老家把这些称为弥天大谎
2. Here's my number better strap that whopper down, mate.
这是我的电话 你最好把它给我管好
3. Boy, I heard some whoppers in my time, but that tops them all.
天呐 我这辈子没少听人吹牛 但你这绝对是最扯的
4. Oh, you missed a whopper of a meeting today.
5. Wow, you must've told a whopper to unload that death trap.
你一定是撒了个弥天大谎 才卖出的那房子吧
6. I don't know what he was seeking, but when he finds it, he's gonna have a whopper of a weapon to handle it.
我不知道他在找什么 但找到后 他就能用大号武器处理那个东西