a. 令人费解的, 令人困惑的
v be a mystery or bewildering to
v make more complicated
s lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity
1. There is no breeze in the room and it will perplex him.
房间里没有风 那会让他感到困惑
2. It's probably the perplexing nature of the remains.
3. There is one particular case that has perplexed me so.
4. I was really perplexed by the amount of inventory that did not fit on the shelf.
货架上放不下的货物库存数量 让我无所适从
5. No. It's perplexing, but I'm convinced it's probably just a photocopying error.
不知道 的确令人费解 但我相信 那可能只是转印的时候打错了吧
6. Your engineering behind this device leaves me totally perplexed.
你这个装置的工程设计 让我不知所措
7. Well, honestly, I'm perplexed as to what went wrong after all these years.
老实说 我不明白都时隔这么久 为什么又生变
8. I must admit, I am perplexed as to what to offer an empress who has everything.
老实说 皇后什么都不缺 我真不知该送她什么
9. I'm just perplexed at the apparent lack of curiosity regarding my costume.
我有点不知所措 感觉我的装束显然并不很吸引人
10. Consciousness one of the most complex and perplexing aspects of human existence.
意识 人类最复杂 也最难以理解的部分之一