v. 紧握, 抓紧, 咬紧( clench的过去式和过去分词 )
s. closed or squeezed together tightly
1. Scary is when you clench your butt, and my butt is still clenched.
可怕是会让你加紧 的 我的 现在还夹着呢
2. You clenched when you said that. It was practically audible.
你说的时候咬了牙 都能听到声了
3. I can see you're clenching through your pants.
4. All I feel is her hand clenching mine.
5. He came out with his fists clenched, like this.
他出生的时候 小拳头紧握 像这样
6. Something to do with the clench of the jaw, he said.
和她紧闭的下巴有关 他说
7. I clench my fists in my sleep when I'm stressed.
如果压力很大 我会在睡着后攥紧拳头
8. But all the clenching in the world will not keep testicles in your abdomen.
无论你再怎么缩腹 蛋蛋还是会垂下去[长大]
9. You keep clenching that tight, you're gonna pull something.
10. He could have made them supplicate and their hands clenched in rigor mortis.
他可能在逼她们哀求 死亡后 她们的双手僵直了