n. 攻城炸药, 爆竹
n. an explosive device used to break down a gate or wall
1. I was hoisted by my own petard, the one petard I thought would never hoist me.
万万没想到 我这回真是害人害己
2. I had a petard, and I've been hoisted by it.
我自缚爆竹 要自食其果了
3. It seems the school has been hoisted on its own petard.
4. Your government, on fire, hoisted by its own petard.
5. You the one who championed this program shouldn't have worn that petard if you didn't wanna be hoisted by it.
这个项目是你推举的 如果不想被自己的「袍」绞死 一开始就不该穿