n. 裁军
[法] 裁军, 解除军备
n act of reducing or depriving of arms
1. I suggest that we move over to the initiative regarding nuclear disarmament.
我建议我们回到 裁减核军备的提案上
2. A suite of cyber warfare abilities make him an ally in disarmament and intelligence.
一套网络战能力使他成为 裁军和情报方面的盟友
3. But, if you want to talk to them about nuclear disarmament, and who's going to be elected president, they simply won't be interested.
但是如果你和他们讨论核裁军问题 还有谁会当选总统 他们根本不感兴趣
4. Until wider measures of disarmament can be agreed upon, the threat of nuclear conflict continues to live.
在两国就核裁军达成更广泛的一致之前 核冲突的威胁依然存在