[化] 凯芙拉
1. They've lined it with Kevlar or some shit.
2. I should talk to him. I'm the one wearing the Kevlar.
我去吧 穿警服的可是我
3. He took one in the Kevlar, the other one there in the gut, but that's not what killed him.
一枪打在了他的防弹衣上 一枪打到了肚子 但都不是致命伤
4. Caused when the killer pulled on the Kevlar straps to release the bullets.
那是当凶手扯子弹上的 芳纶丝时留下的
5. Alfie said Kevlar would give us more game time.
6. You thought you were being art by pulling off those Kevlar straps from the victim, but, uh, that's how you cut your nail.
你自作聪明 以为将纤维带从死者身上扯下 就可以销毁证据 但那恰巧割断了你的指甲
7. Best soldiers take the biggest risks, but they're also the ones who are wearing their Kevlar vests.
最出色的战士总是冒最大的风险 但他们也从不会忘记穿防弹背心
8. Kevlar vest stopped the first bullet, but the second one penetrated his axillary artery.
防弹背心挡住了第一颗子弹 但第二颗子弹穿透了他的腋下动脉
9. Kevlar in this thing is designed to withstand a blast that can tear down a building twice this size.
这防弹衣的设计是能承受住 足以毁灭两栋楼的爆炸的
10. Note that when the multiple impact bullet exits the barrel of the gun it splits into three separate aller projectiles held together by Kevlar strands.
当多次冲击子弹射出枪管后 它会 成三个由芳纶丝栓在一起的 小型且相对独立的射弹