vt. 警告;使警觉, 使意识到
a. 警惕的, 警觉的;留心的
n. 警戒, 警惕;警报
n. (Alert)人名;(西)阿莱尔特
v warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness
1. We put out a bolo, investigative alert, and amber alerts on the vehicle.
我们发出了通缉令 对车辆发出了 侦查警报和安珀警报
2. I'll I'll I'll alert the pentagon.
我 我去提醒五角大楼那边
3. But when I do, I'll alert the authorities.
但等我知道了 我会通知当局
4. It alerts you when there's a match nearby.
如果周围有人看上你了 就会提示
5. No, not without potentially alerting them we are here.
对 否则肯定会打草惊蛇
6. I put out an investigative alert on him.
7. Spoiler alert you're not getting those.
提前告诉你 那就别想了
8. I had that alert rerouted to my phone.
9. They need to be alert and undistracted.
他们必须得集中精力 不能分神
10. She has an alert and voracious mind.