n. 机会主义者, 投机取巧者
n. a person who places expediency above principle
s. taking immediate advantage, often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit
1. I didn't mean that to sound opportunistic.
2. I need a lawyer, not an opportunist.
我需要的是律师 不是投机分子
3. If he's an opportunistic offender probably not.
如果是投机性罪犯 很可能没关系
4. This wasn't opportunistic, it was planned and premeditated.
不是随机性犯罪 而是有计划有预谋的
5. She's an opportunist, just like her father.
她是个投机者 像她父亲一样
6. They strike me as opportunists, not master schemers.
他们给我的印象是机会主义者 不是阴谋家
7. I was trying to protect her from that deadbeat, opportunistic hu and.
我是想保護她 不被那個游手好閑的投機者傷害
8. An opportunist with a credible threat is a dangerous thing.
一个机会主义者掌握了有力的威胁 是一件很危险的事