n. 方形, 拘谨, 一丝不苟
n. the property of being shaped like a square
1. It's "a" squared plus "b" squared equals "c" squared, that's tight.
A的平方加上B的平方 等于C的平方呀 够劲
2. Basically, you've got these little cardboard squares, then you pile 'em up, then you throw more little cardboard squares at the little cardboard squares.
就是用小纸板方格 然后你堆起来 然后在拿更多的小纸板方格堆在上面
3. If all squares are parallelograms, and all squares are rectangles, then some parallelograms are rectangles.
如果所有四方形都是平行四边形 同时所有四方形都是长方形 那么有一些平行四边形就是长方形
4. but it wasn't that at all. It was a square.
但完全不是那样 是方的
5. And when they saw the square being helpful, they preferred to play with a square object.
当他们看到方块非常有帮助后 他们更倾向于跟方形物体玩耍
6. Draw a square, draw another square, connect 'em.
画个正方形 再画一个 连起来
7. The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
直角三角形斜边的平方 等于 直角两边长度的平方和
8. This place has been known as constitution square, or syntagma square, ever since.
从这以后 此地就被称作宪法广场 即锡塔玛广场
9. Square root of four is two, square root of 12 is... four.
4的平方根是2 12是平方根是4
10. You know, I was blown away that the square of the hypotenuse was the sum of the squares of the opposite sides.
我被斜边边长的平方等于 对边边长平方和迷得神魂颠倒