[医] 保持器
n someone who upholds or maintains
1. It's gotta be maintained. I'm maintaining it.
它还需要保养 我会给它保养的
2. We should maintain the course that we are on.
3. Then I maintain my assertion that he was chased.
那么我坚持我的主张 他正被人追赶
4. Plant's been abandoned, so it hasn't been maintained.
工厂已经废弃了 没有人修理
5. But he is necessary for maintaining order.
但若要维持秩序 他必不可少
6. And now we have to fight to maintain it.
7. You maintained order before we shut you out.
我们驱逐你们之前 你们维持了秩序
8. Stalking is how he would maintain a connection to you.
9. It was the only way to maintain the ratio.
10. It's not structured. It's not maintainable by anyone.
毫无结构可言 就没有人能维护