abbr. vocabulary 词汇, 词汇量
1. Colloquially. It's on your vocab study list.
是口头地 你的词汇学习表上有
2. What am I gonna tweet about? Interesting vocab.
我發什么好呢 有趣的用詞
3. I came up with some more vocab cards for you to memorize.
4. What it lacks in plot, it makes up for in vocab.
情节上缺什么 就在词汇上补回来
5. Can you quiz me on vocab? I have a test today.
可以考考我的词汇吗 我今早有考试
6. Mike, you got to cut that word from your vocab.
迈克 请你把这个词从你字典里删掉
7. Oh, about that, um, I made up some new vocab cards for you to memorize.
关于学习 我做了些 新的词汇卡 帮你记忆
8. I changed his clothes, even deleted the word "bro" from his vocab.
我给他换的衣服 我甚至从他的词典里删除了"老兄"这个词
9. Whether or not I oke is totally irrelevant, which is also on your vocab study list.
我抽不抽与这无关 这词也在你的词汇学习表上
10. Even his parenting style was simple and always involved choice vocab words.
他的为父之道也很简单 总是涉及了选择性的词汇