a. 自由自在的, 无拘无束的
s not bound by shackles and chains
1. And you got down to unfettered creation.
2. I on the other hand, am unfettered by information.
3. Give them unfettered access to the agency.
4. I want unfettered access to that brain of yours.
我要事无巨细 完全了解你脑子里每一步的想法
5. We want her to have unfettered access to your firm.
6. Yes, and it's that unfettered belief that makes you so special.
是啊 真是这样无法束缚的信念 让你如此特别
7. They submitted a brief calling for unfettered corporate speech.
他们递交陈述书 呼吁企业言论自由
8. My days of riding unfettered have long since passed.
9. Even in public colleges, students don't have unfettered rights of expression.
即便在公立大学 学生也不能毫不受限地发表言论
10. It is most enlightening when one has unfettered access inside a person's thoughts.
能随心所欲的 窥视一个人的想法能给我很多启发