n. 锡箔
n. foil made of tin or an alloy of tin and lead
1. Along with your tinfoil hat, I'm sure.
2. He's a crazy old man in a tinfoil hat.
3. I think you're ready for a tinfoil hat, man.
4. You're a tiny man in a silly tinfoil hat.
5. Strong enough to rip through those gates like they were tinfoil.
6. I guess aliens really are for the tinfoil hat crowd after all.
7. I would stay away from tinfoil hatwearing crazies in this town.
你最好离这些 有被害妄想症的疯子远一点
8. And I'll need tinfoil and instant glue and a 60watt light bulb.
我需要锡箔 速粘胶水 和一只六十瓦的灯泡
9. Oh, I poured vanilla extract on tinfoil and put it in the oven.
我把香草精华倒在锡纸上 然后放进了烤箱
10. Think tinfoil in a microwave times a few billion, nothing left but a crater.
想想把锡纸放进微波炉里 再加强几十亿倍 除了坑以外什么都剩不下