n. 墨水台
n. English colonist in America; leader of the Pilgrims in the early days of the Plymouth Colony (1584-1656)
1. standish, you create a distraction and draw them out.
斯坦迪什 你负责转移他们注意力 把他们引出来
2. standish hacked me into the chateau's security cameras.
3. standish, I'm sure you're way ahead of us.
斯坦迪什 你肯定早就动手了吧
4. standish, you said you wanted more field experience.
斯坦迪什 你之前说想多出外勤
5. standish, I'm gonna have you doing mostly tech work to start.
斯坦迪什 你开始主要是负责技术工作
6. standish can disable it by cutting the communications uplink to the tower.
斯坦迪什可以通过 切断通往塔楼的通讯端口来解除此事