a. 恶魔似的
s extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
1. It's famous for its fiendishly difficult questions.
2. I always expect you to be so fiendishly manly and then out come these soupcons of wit.
我总以为你是勇猛寡言的人 想不到也说得出这等俏皮话
3. I am going to come up with all kinds of fiendish and nefarious uses for this beautiful quantum computer.
我会想出各种 残忍的方法 来使用这台漂亮的量子计算机
4. Only if you count calling it a fiendish plot to subvert human biology, independence, and happiness.
除非你算上把婚姻称为 颠覆人类生理 独立自主以及快乐的险恶阴谋
5. Now it has become a tidal river, prone to fiendish hidden currents and swirling eddies.
现在它变成了一条潮汐河流 容易产生穷凶极恶的暗流和漩涡
6. You never know when some giant fiendish beast will strike at us with its horrible fanged tentacles.
你无法预知何时会有 长着毒牙触手的巨怪来袭
7. They say that on her wedding night, she saw her hu and's prick and thought it such a fiendish thing, she stabbed her own eyes out with a brooch.
据说她结婚那晚 看到老公的 还以为是什么不洁之物 便用胸针戳瞎了自己的双眼
8. I mean, those deaths were fiendishly tragic, but I'm pretty certain that tomorrow, during office hours, our dead girls will still be dead.
我是说 那些死亡案件确实极其悲剧 但我相当肯定 等到明天上班了 那两位死去的女孩还会是死的
9. In the hills of Ireland is a remote farm where these eight contestants will face three fiendish games designed to make them flinch.
爱尔兰山上有一个偏僻的农场 八位选手在这里 将面临三场恶魔游戏 旨在让他们退缩
10. Strapped into my own torture chair, beset by a legion of devils, each wearing my own face, mortifying my flesh with implements far more fiendish than any I could ever have contrived, gripped in hands as scarred as my own.
坐在我专属的折磨椅上 被一群恶魔所环绕 它们的脸都是我的模样 折磨我的肉体 比我自己任何时候都要凶残 用它们跟我一样伤痕累累的手紧握着我