adv. 足够地, 适当地
r. in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree
1. And if I am to care adequately for them, their family, too.
悉心照料病患 同时充分顾及家属
2. This sleeve is more than adequate for your needs.
3. Most of them haven't been adequately questioned yet.
4. I will compensate you more than adequately.
5. We have adequate predication to be investigating all of them.
6. If you haven't been through it, there's really no way to adequately describe it.
如果你不是经历过这件事 真的没有办法可以恰当地形容
7. I learned that for what we do and what we lose, we are not adequately compensated.
对于我们付出的 和失去的一切 我了解到 我们的回报还不够
8. ...adequate compensation for a girl of her type... .
像她这样的女孩 这些应该够了
9. These lines have low tolerances that are more than adequate.
10. Perhaps she fears you are not sexually adequate.
也许是她觉得 你的性能力不行