n. 黑, 黑色, 邪恶
[化] 黑度
n the quality or state of the achromatic color of least lightness (bearing the least resemblance to white)
n total absence of light
1. No, that's bliggity black black black black black.
2. It's black businesses, black food, black art.
黑人商店 黑人食物 黑人艺术
3. I asked for black, but... they... they out of black.
我要了黑色 但是黑色没货了
4. Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes, always the same.
黑兜帽衫 黑牛仔裤 黑鞋 总是一样的
5. A black killer cop that killed a black boy an unarmed black boy.
一个杀人的黑人警察 杀了一个黑人男孩 而且是个手无寸铁的黑人男孩
6. God can see a black ant on a black rock on a black night.
上帝能在漆黑的夜晚 看到一只黑色的蚂蚁 爬在黑色的石头上
7. For black lives to matter, black history and black ownership must also matter.
黑人的命想得到尊重 黑人历史和黑人所有权就都得得到尊重
8. What the...? It's black pine! It's black pine.
是 是黑松木 是黑松木
9. Not because she's black. I love black women.
不是因为她是黑人 我喜欢黑人女生
10. Joshua was blacked out, blacker than black.
约书亚的信息都被封锁了 非常严密