n. 野生, 野蛮, 粗暴
n. a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
n. an unruly disposition to do as one pleases
n. an intractably barbarous or uncultivated state of nature
1. It's like wild down there. It's wild.
那可真是超乎想象 意想不到
2. It's wild birds, often reared as well to supplement the numbers, but it's wild birds, wild beasts that are hunted.
像野鸟 长成了就是新生野味 说到底 野味就是被猎杀的野生鸟兽
3. But down on the bottom there are wild Irishmen and a wild Irishwoman.
但是在下方 这里画的是爱尔兰原住民
4. When you were young, we let you be wild because wildness is important.
在你还小的时候 我们放任你的野性 因为野性很重要
5. A wild and dangerous woman brought up a wild child.
6. Come see the wild west back when it was still wild.
7. Death is hideous, and ugly, and grotesque, and wildly, wildly unfair.
死亡是一件可怕 丑陋 怪诞 而且极其不公的事
8. Even if the cure works, wild animals still act wild.
就算解药有用 野生动物还是野生动物
9. There are medicinal and edible goodies, like these wild strawberries, growing all around you in the wild.
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10. There's wild rosemary and thyme and wild garlic and then there's no end of bilberries for jelly and wine.
园子里种上野迷迭香 百里香和野蒜 拿来做果酱和酿酒的越桔长个不停