n. the state of being that is average; indicates normality but with connotations of mediocrity
n. ordinariness as a consequence of being average and not outstanding
1. No, I'm just a nice, average girl having a beer with a nice, average guy.
我只是一个普通的好女人 和一个普通的好男人一起喝啤酒
2. Again, these numbers are tiny, but men performed better than average on this test, women and other below average.
同样 这些数字很小 但男人在这项测试中的表现高于平均水平 女人和其他人则低于平均水平
3. It was dropped off at a reception by a man in his late 20s, early 30s, average looking, average build.
是个男子送到接待处的 20多岁 将近30 普通外貌 中等身材
4. So you see a five over on the lefthand side, that's how active you've been, and on the right is how the average person has been, so you're just exactly average when it comes to activity.
你看 左边显示五 这就是你的活跃程度 右边是平均值 你的活跃度处于平均水平
5. Look... It'd be great if my sister didn't always compare her glamorous, jetsetting life to me settling down in an average town with an average joe.
聽我說 我承認 我也希望我妹不要總是拿她光鮮亮麗 總坐直升飛機出游的生活 跟我在普通地方跟普通男人的生活相比
6. It's not my peers who brought down my average.
7. But the thing is, this is not your average rodent.
但问题是 这不是普通的啮齿目动物
8. She's not your average peddler, that's for sure.
她不是个普通的毒贩 这是一定的
9. Where I come from, I'm not considered average.
在我们那里 我不算是普通人
10. If you don't get your average up I will.
如果平均分上不去 我会的