n. 说法, 措辞, 抑扬顿挫, 分节法
n. the grouping of musical phrases in a melodic line
1. I hate to use that phrase, but eh, I should use that phrase.
我也不想用這個詞 但就是這樣
2. You know, I've got this phrase book, but it's not like I'm looking at the phrase book every two seconds.
你知道 我有这本常用语手册 但我也不是每两秒就看一下这本册子
3. I have no idea what that phrase means.
4. There has to be a better way to phrase that.
5. A phrase I heard from both my exwives.
6. "If true," being the operative phrase there.
7. It's that phrase. I know I've heard it before.
那个说法 我以前肯定听过
8. I am really not familiar with this phrase.
9. It was politely phrased, but it wasn't a request.
虽然那是礼貌性问句 但不代表是请求
10. Not a phrase I would bandy about, sir.
我建议你不要采用这种措辞 先生