n. 法寻(1/4便士), 不值钱的东西
n. a former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny
1. And, no, I'm not too short for a penny farthing.
2. I've never taken so much as a farthing in my life.
3. I don't see you giving one snide farthing for his wellbeing.
4. And I've saved damn near every farthing I could for our case to be made.
为了打赢官司我攒下了挣来的 每一分钱
5. Wickham's a fool if he takes her with a farthing less than 10,000 pounds.
维翰如果为了得到她付出1万磅 他就是个傻子
6. Apparently, it's because the big wheel and the little wheel are very different sizes, just like...pennies and farthings.
显然 这是因为大车轮和小车轮 尺寸差别巨大 就像便士和法新那样
7. I don't know what this awf'y toffy woman thinks you are, but she wouldnae give you a brass farthing if she knew the truth.
我不知道那位贵太太把你当成什么 但要是她知道了真相 你什么也得不到
8. You ran a mile and delivered a note still as crisp and as neatly folded as the moment it was given to you, yet only paid a farthing.
你为了这张便条跑了一英里 而它还像刚交到你手上时 一样干净 折叠整齐 可你只拿到那么一点钱