a. 肾脏的, 肾的
[医] 肾的
a of or relating to the kidneys
1. He was nondiabetic, not in renal failure.
他没有糖尿病 肾功能完好
2. Yep, from everything but the renal vein.
对 除了肾静脉没有其他的了
3. renal won't take her 'cause she's in failure.
肾病科不接收她 因为她心脏衰竭
4. You have an aplastic, bicystic renal neopla .
5. Call renal, see what the nephrologists suggest.
呼叫肾脏部 问问肾病专家的建议
6. Dude was suffering from intense renal failure.
7. His systems, renal, endocrine, they're behaving abnormally.
他的肾脏系统 内分泌系统表现都非常异常
8. There's evidence of rhabdomyolysis and impending renal failure.
出现了横纹肌溶解 和肾衰竭的症状
9. Come on, let's go. renal function as soon as you get there.
快 走吧 就检查患者肾功能
10. Now you see the anterior branch of the renal vein.