vt. 孕育
v. have the idea for
1. So they've just reached the end of their gestation, and out they come.
它们进入了孵化的最后阶段 破壳而出
2. You may have developed gestational diabetes during your pregnancy.
你可能在怀孕期间 患上了妊娠糖尿病
3. And four weeks is 10% of the average gestational age.
4. Long gestating plans have been percolating and coming into fruition all at once.
一个长期孕育的计划正在被逐步渗透 将会一下子开花结果
5. They must gestate inside for years till they hatch.
6. 12 years' gestation, and a book is finally born.
12年的孕育 书终于成型了
7. If gestation continued for another month, you'd shoot through that ceiling.
如果继续妊娠一个月 你就会突破最高值
8. Even the life of that gestating fetus has already been predetermined.
即使是孕育中的胎儿 它的人生 也早已成定数了
9. It took just 12 hours for the creature to gestate.
只花了十二个小时 那东西就长成了
10. Or we could be seeing it in rats first, because they have a short gestation period.
也或者是老鼠最先表现出来 因为它们的妊娠期最短