当前位置: 知识学习 > turbaned怎么读,turbaned是什么意思,turbaned的用法和例句


  • 分类:知识学习
  • 更新时间:2024-12-28
  • 发布时间:2024-12-04 05:32:11


a. 戴头巾的

s. wearing a turban


1. I half expected a beard and a turban.


2. At least the turban gives her a look.


3. They dressed me in a turban and stood me in their salons.

他们给我戴头巾 带我去沙龙

4. I would never ask you to remove your turban, coach.

我绝不会叫你摘下头巾的 教练

5. I promise I'll wear the turban your mother chose for the ceremony.

我承诺我会戴 妈为婚礼挑选的头巾

6. That's why I started eating in here, keeps the jerks in the cafeteria from hassling the kid with the turban.

所以我才在这里吃饭 不想理会餐厅里那些 取笑我戴头巾的 们

7. Today, for the first time, this emperor's turban feels heavy on my head.

今天 有生以来 皇帝的头巾第一次让我感到如此沉重

8. Exquisite details of the beard, of the turban, of his painterly hand, almost as refined as the technique he's used for the emperor himself.

胡须 头巾和他作画的手 都刻画得非常精细 几乎能与他在描绘大帝时 所用的精妙绘画技巧相媲美

9. I'm afraid my two glorious eyebrows will remain hidden underneath this turban, which I wear for religious reasons.

恐怕我那两条美丽的眉毛 要继续隐藏在这块头巾下面了 我因为宗教原因需要戴着它

