n. (毒品)小贩, 传播者, 沿街叫卖的小贩
n. someone who travels about selling his wares (as on the streets or at carnivals)
1. She's not your average peddler, that's for sure.
她不是个普通的毒贩 这是一定的
2. He is a peddler and well known to me.
他是個小販 是我的熟人
3. Fabricator, the bribe taker and intelligence peddler.
造假者 受贿者和情报贩子
4. He was sold to a local ring of flesh peddlers.
5. I wanted to celebrate the end of my life as a peddler with you.
我想和你一起慶祝一下 我的小販生涯結束了
6. It can't have been cheap, enlisting the help of your fellow influence peddlers.
肯定不便宜 动用你那些有影响力的朋友们
7. We've learned that you distribute drugs not only to your swim buddies, but you're also known as a pill peddler to the stars.
我们了解到你不仅分发药物 给你的游泳伙伴们 你还被称为明星们的药剂师
8. You don't go from being an immigrant pickle peddler who can't speak a lick of english to owning the biggest hardware chain in the midwest without learning something about retail politics.
如果不懂些零售 你没法从一个一句英语都不懂的 移民泡菜小贩做到 拥有中西部最大的五金连锁店