n. 面纱, 面罩, 借口, 幕, 帐, 遮蔽物
vt. 戴面纱, 隐藏, 遮蔽, 掩饰
vi. 蒙上面纱
n. a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms
v. to obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil
1. And the reason is, that behind the veil of ignorance, everyone knows that once the veil goes up, and real life begins, we will each want to be respected with dignity.
原因在于 处在无知之幕背后的人 其实都知道 一旦幕布揭开 真实生活开始 我们都希望得到尊重
2. Lift the veil that separates our world from yours.
3. Through the tennis racket he's given her a veil.
网球拍的影子打在脸上 仿佛给她戴上了一层面纱
4. I can't believe you got me in a veil and a headpiece.
5. Not surprisingly, I've never worn a veil before.
我从未戴过面纱 这是肯定的
6. but behind the curtain, a veil of tears.
但舞台帷幕的背后 两眼泪汪汪啊
7. These four veiled women, I've seen them before.
8. But we can't afford to wait for these veils to lift.
9. Put yourself behind the veil of ignorance.
10. Not outwardly, but I'm accustomed to seeing through a veil.
表面上没有 但我惯于透过面纱看事物