a. 扭力的, 扭转的
[机] 扭转的
a. Of or pertaining to torsion; resulting from torsion, or
the force with which a thread or wire returns to a state of rest after
having been twisted round its axis; as, torsional force.
1. Her ovaries aren't cystic, and there's no torsion.
她的卵巢没有囊肿 也没有扭转
2. I may be personalizing the torsion fine.
3. There's no indication of torsion or a hemorrhagic cyst.
没有卵巢蒂扭转 或者是出血性囊肿的征象
4. April, this could be ovarian torsion or a cyst.
艾普尔 有可能是卵巢扭转或者囊肿
5. The cyst might've ruptured, or you could have ovarian torsion.
囊肿可能破裂了 不然你的卵巢可能扭转了
6. I don't know, I do bugs and silt, but she said the words "torsion" and "twist" and "cut".
我不确定 我是研究虫子和泥沙的 但是她说过"扭转" "拧"还有"切削"这几个词
7. Because there's more torsion in the cut than a flatbladed knife can bear without snapping.
因为螺丝刀在切削时比平刃刀 更容易扭转而且还不会断掉
8. The edges of the bone are almost sculpt, as if the blade simultaneously cut and applied torsion.
这骨头边缘跟雕刻过似的 像是手术刀在切削的同时又扭转了
9. We've had problems on the upper control arm around the ball joint but we also had a torsion rod failure at 41,000 cycles.
上控制臂有问题 在球头周围 我们还有个扭杆故障 41000次循环