a. 暴虐的, 暴君的, 残暴的
s marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior
s characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty
1. The last of a tyrannical bloodline was spotted here.
2. A simple stableboy better than a tyrannical king.
3. You were always the brains behind that tyrannical moron.
4. You're too blind to see that your tyrannical bullshit has consequences.
你刚愎自用 不愿正视你的专横造成的苦果
5. This was because the people were unanimous and determined to put down tyranni .
是因为人民团结一致 且意志坚定地要
6. You know, I have worked with tyrannical directors like you.
话说 我曾和像你这样 的导演合作过
7. As quartermaster, I hereby accuse you of tyrannical crimes against your crew.
作为舵手 我在此指控你 对船员犯下残暴罪行
8. Their tyrannical rape of our private data ends now.
9. Their main objective is to overthrow the tyrannical government machine.
他们的宗旨就是 专横的政府机器
10. Halfwitch, halfmortal, representing the two tribes to be tyrannized.
半女巫 半凡人 代表被霸凌的两个部落