adv. 鄙视地, 轻蔑地
r without respect; in a disdainful manner
1. All I can do is remind them of my scorn.
我能做的只是讓他們時刻想起 我的嗤之以鼻
2. But life is precious and should not be scorned.
但生命很珍贵 不该轻易放弃
3. A mother should not scorn her own son.
4. a bastard spoken of in scornful whispers.
5. No wrath like that of a lover scorned.
6. I am not some scorned woman bitching about my ex.
7. Greer is punished and scorned while I'm rewarded.
葛瑞尔受到残酷冷遇 而我坐享其成
8. You will be scorned and hunted, and then killed.
你会被鄙视 遭到追捕 最后被杀害
9. Ah, in fairness, he scorned me first.
公平地说 是他先藐视我的
10. And for it, I am rewarded with nothing but scorn and mockery.