v. 旋转;眩晕;卷走;疾走(whirl的ing形式)
n the act of rotating in a circle or spiral
v turn in a twisting or spinning motion
v cause to spin
v flow in a circular current, of liquids
v revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis
v fly around
1. I'm a sucky pilot, but let's give it a whirl.
2. I was only joking when I said give it a whirl.
我让她试试 就是个玩笑话
3. And a whirling water tub on the balcony.
房间的阳台上有个 浴池
4. Tough to pronounce without any teeth, but give it a whirl.
这词没有牙很难发音 不过可以试一下啊
5. Well, I've stitched more wounds than clothes, but I'll give it a whirl.
我缝过的伤口比衣服多 但我愿意试试
6. I have used buttermilk a couple of times, but if it was like that, I'd probably give it a whirl.
我也用过几次酪乳 如果有这样的酪乳 我可能会再试试
7. I've never come across verjus before, but I can't wait to give it a whirl in my pie.
我从未使用过酸果汁 但我迫不及待地想在派中小试一番
8. It was considered indecent because a man and woman were actually clutching each other as they whirled around the ballroom.
人们以前认为这不成体统 因为男人和女人居然 在舞厅里旋转时搂搂抱抱
9. There's no hint here of the whirling, clanking machines and the sheer relentless energy of the coming age.
这里看不到飞旋作响的机器 也看不到新时代摧枯拉朽的力量
10. I don't sleep well because I can't stop my mind from whirling, and my moms might be getting a divorce.
我睡不好 因为脑子不停转 我妈妈们可能会离婚