n. 复活, 复兴, 文艺复兴
a. 文艺复兴的
n. the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world; a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries
1. What can I say? I'm a renaissance man.
我能说什么 我是个多才多艺的人
2. Yeah, well they are stupid, and so is the renaissance fair.
本来就很 文艺复兴集会也很
3. When I bought them at the renaissance fair, you said they were stupid.
我从文艺复兴集会上买回来时 你说它很
4. Housing everything from priceless heirlooms to renaissance art.
存放物品从价值连城的传家宝 到文艺复兴艺术品
5. He's some kind of strange, new, millennial renaissance man.
6. Yeah, I guess you could say gholem is somewhat of a renaissance man.
7. The town's most impressive buildings date from this prosperous era, when the renaissance style was in vogue.
这个镇最令人印象深刻的建筑 源于文艺复兴风格风行的繁荣时代
8. renaissance artists love to put babies in their paintings, especially baby angels.
文艺复兴时期的艺术家们喜欢把婴儿画入画中 尤其是小天使
9. Uh, people like moi who go to renaissance fairs and civil war reenactments and pirate festivals.
还有我这种 去参加文艺复兴展 还有内战重演和海盗节