n. 石龙子
n. alert agile lizard with reduced limbs and an elongated body covered with shiny scales; more dependent on moisture than most lizards; found in tropical regions worldwide
1. The monkeytailed skink is up to 50 times heavier than your average skink, and is the world's largest.
猴尾蜥 比普通石龙子重五十倍 堪称世界最大
2. This skink may be an oddity, but that is exactly why it thrives here.
这种石龙子也算是异类了 这也正是它在此繁衍兴旺的原因
3. Most skinks spend their lives on the ground, but not this monster.
大多数石龙子居住在地面上 但这种巨兽不同
4. I'm like a blue tongue skink, in that way.
5. Among the successful colonists were skinks lizards that are usually all with short legs.
其中一种成功的殖民者是石龙子 它是一种小型短腿蜥蜴
6. and unlike nearly all other skinks which dine on insects, this gentle giant is entirely vegetarian.
与其他捕食昆虫的石龙子不同 这个温和的大块头 是个彻头彻尾的素食主义者
7. It even forms social bonds with other monkeytailed skinks, a rare characteristic among reptiles of any description.
猴尾蜥之间甚至建立了社会关系 这一习性在爬行动物中极为少见
8. A scaly coat must be very hot, so reptiles, like this skink, have to seek shade during the hottest part of the day.
穿着鳞片外皮一定很热 于是爬行动物们 比如这只蜥蜴 不得不在一天中最热的时候找个阴凉处