n. 炮弹
n. a solid projectile that in former times was fired from a cannon
1. I got wasted and cannonballed into the lake there once.
我曾喝醉了 然后冲进那边的湖里
2. I'd think you were trying to cannonball your own career.
3. You will join my circus as a cannonball.
加入我的马戏团 做个加农炮弹吧
4. You mess with the hatchlings, you get the cannonball.
你敢惹我们的鸟宝宝 就要准备好被加农炮轰
5. You could only fire them in straight lines, like a cannonball.
只能像炮弹一样 沿直线发射
6. They should not be dropping him on us like a black cannonball.
7. So, they improvised a cannon and cannonballs out of the one thing they had plenty of.
所以他们临时做出了大炮和炮弹 用的就是他们唯一充足的资源
8. Come on, you'd think I was pulling a goddamn cannonball out of your shoulder.
拜托 你就设想我是在 从你的肩膀里取炮弹就好了
9. A cannonball would do less damage to my marriage than those cursed miniatures.
那些受诅咒的小模型给我们的婚姻 造成了毁灭性的伤害
10. Same goes for running, chicken fighting, diving, and cannonballing.
还有跑动 斗鸡游戏 潜水和跳水